Collage artist Miranda Millward is fascinated by serendipity, memory, and
nostalgia. Miranda’s collage making plays on memories real, imagined and
fictional. The domestic, feminine pastimes and childhood memories are often
visual reference points.
At any one time Miranda is working on a series of collages that work alone or
together - a recent series called Domestic Science – inspired by retro science and
domestic nostalgia was show in 2020 at the Old Fire Station in Oxford and
currently Miranda is working on a Spirograph inspired series of works inspired
by the ubiquitous childhood toy.
For this online exhibition Miranda shows one of a new series of collages based on
Native American Songbirds there will be 25 works in total based on a vintage
card game.
The accessibility of analogue collage as a medium has huge appeal. Miranda uses
basic equipment – scissors, scalpel and glue stick alongside a variety of low-fi
techniques such as cutting, tearing and pasting sometimes incorporating image
transfer techniques using packing tape, solvents and tracing paper…
Miranda has exhibited both in the UK and internationally and also has had
several works acquired by the prestigious Kanyer Art Collection in the USA.