Claudia Figueiredo
Who are you anyway and where do you come from?
Digital photograph
I had set out to enter back into the space left by my children, now young adults. My aim for this exhibition was to reappropriate these spaces, and explore how to reassign them for my own needs. Plans changed in 2020, and the bedrooms filled up again, they became, as they always were, fluid spaces. Spaces to nurture and shelter homeward children.
*Who are you anyway and where do you come from ? Is work made after my daughter left for university. It gave me time to sit, and contemplate. To assess the past, to take in the multi layered histories within bedroom 2. left clothing, and decoration frame a narrative of time and age. And so in this series I archived the objects, detritus and dust left behind and before the act of cleaning it all away. Literally, this is not a dangerous field, but is one of immense emotion.
*Who are you anyway and where do you come from? is Humphrey Bogart's character Ricks line to Ingrid Bergman's Ilsa, proceeding the legendary toast - Here's looking at you kid.
Bedroom 2 i
Digital photograph
Bedroom 2 ii
Digital photograph
Bedroom 2 iii
Digital photograph
Bedroom 2 iv
Digital photograph